Healthy Starts with WIC
In your baby’s first year of life, everything changes so fast! We are here for you every step of the way. WIC has a variety of benefits to meet your baby’s feeding needs. WIC offers free breastfeeding support, breast pumps, infant formula and baby foods when they are ready to start solid foods.
Information for Families with Formula-Fed Infants
Whether you need to temporarily supplement or prefer to use formula, WIC staff can help you choose which WIC-approved formula is right for your baby. If you are breastfeeding and formula feeding, WIC staff can help you maintain your milk supply and work through any breastfeeding challenges. For 24/7 breastfeeding support, call 855-550-6667.
WIC has standard formulas available. If you need therapeutic formula, a prescription is needed from a health care provider.
Standard Formulas Offered by Texas WIC
No prescription required for infants under one year of age.
- Enfamil Infant
- Similac Soy Isomil

Most infants do well on milk- or soy-based infant formula. If you feel that your baby isn't tolerating these formulas well, talk to your WIC nutritionist or pediatrician about one of the formulas below.
- Enfamil Gentlease
- Enfamil Reguline
- Enfamil A.R.

Other therapeutic formulas may be available with a prescription.
Texas WIC does not provide:
- Enfamil Enspire
- Enfamil A2, Organic or ProSobee
- Comparable Similac, Gerber or generic brands (except Similac Soy Isomil)